Friday, October 19, 2012

Occam's razor as relationship advice

Ok I first have to admit that I can be some what of a pseudo intellect.  Meaning I had to google Occam's razor because I'm not Sheldon Cooper smart.But after googling I thought of a lot of practical applications for this theory. Occam's razor states: all things being equal the simplest explanation is the most likely.  
Which immediately made me think of all the ways I've tried to complicate things men have said to me in life.  And I'm definitely not alone - many of my friends share this dumb ass habit.  You know the one where you come up with a deeply complicated - bordering on fantasy fiction explanation for why someone is being a douche.  Like why hasn't that guy friended me on Facebook or why did he ask me to go dutch on a date - or did he just ask for gas money?  Or why is he out so late and didn't call me.  Or why didn't I get a call on my birthday.  Wait.. did this dude just break into my house and steal my wallet.  Ok that never happened to me at least.
Now in the past I can come up with lots of excuses - maybe he's suffering from that thing that's going around and is just under the weather - maybe he just traded his car in for a hybrid and he's just not used paying for gas - I don't know why someone would trade out of a hybrid - just go with it.  Maybe he doesn't check Facebook that often.  Maybe he that other girl is his sister.  
But Occam's razor solves all that - by saying that you are complicating things way too much.  So in short he's probably just a jerk, or he's a broke jerk, or he's a broke jerk who is also a criminal.  
This can also be called the He's Just Not That Into theory - but who ever came up with Occam's razor isn't around the sue the Sex and the City guy. 
And looksie I'm not the only chickadie who has made the correlation.  While writing this I googled Occam's razor and He's Just Not that Into you.  And in further proof of another theory: there's nothing new under the sun.  A writer from Galmour came to the same conclusion.  

1 comment:

  1. The best advice someone gave me a long, long time ago is like the people who like you. People try too hard to win over people that don't appreicate them for who they are. Focus on the people that give a damn about you and life will work itself out.
