Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Melissa Harris Perry Gate and Other non existent bullshit

So you know it's serious when I haven't blogged in a year and this craziness has got my fingers typing. In case you missed it people are stringing up Melissa Harris Perry by her toes for a segment on her show that seems like it was looking back on moments of 2013.  One of those moments being the Romney family photo including Romney's adopted black grand son. Don't take my word watch the National Review's youtube clip:

If you're like me you've watched it twice or three times wondering what the fug is all the fuss about.  And let me tell you out in the Twittersphere it has gotten hectic.  So much so that MHP felt the need to apologize because she's classy like that - and she said you can't make up people's truth for them if someone is offended then you have to respect that.  While I agree with that I disagree that the uprising came from mommy blogs and the hoardes of parents who interracially adopt. By the way in intereresting facts - did you know that black babies are cheaper to adopt.  NPR said it's so it must be true. "Black Babies Are Cheaper"

I digress - my point is that the vitrol has come not from white mommies but a bunch of white wacko racists jinned up by the conservative blogosphere i.e. Michelle Malkin (not sure what that chics deal is) who just want to use this as an opportunity to say AHA gotcha black people are racists too.  Twitter comments against Pia Glenn the other black female on the panel are below so you can get a feel for the nastiness:

  • <<< Racist Nigger who made fun of Mitt Romney's adopted black grandson cause he was black. Proves Negros wish they were white!
  • Such a piece of shit you are. Ur 15 minutes of fame are up and you fucked it all up. Cant blame White America can ya bitch?
  • Who in the blue hell are you? an actress you do a bad rap video you ain't that hot i seen better ho's in a box of doughnuts stfu
  • If you ever wondered why woman get called the "C" word all you have to do is look in the mirror after your Romney comment.
Holy crap you would've thought this woman sent us into an expensive unwarranted war or committed genocide or raped babies.

Instead she made an observation that people of color often feel about interracial adoption. This adoption being even more hyper sensitive because of the prominence and ideology of the baby's grandpappy.

I mean this aint just about race - ask Lynn Cheney what's it's like to be born to a family that ideologically doesn't recognize the struggle and strife you will face as an underepresented minority, be you black or a gay woman who wants to marry her partner.

But if you want to talk about race, what's really pissing me off about this is that there are so many subtle and underlying acts of racism that no one gives a shit about. As a black woman I just think about the indignities, prejudices and sly comments that you face every day on a job where you're in the minority. Yet white conservatives are in an uproar about two black women commenting on the social awkwardness of interracial adoption in a light way that gives humor to what is a long needed discussion that needs to be had. It's hard as hell growing up in a white dominated society as a minority - I can't even imagine being a black baby in the Romney family.

Feel free to go online and show your support for @piaglenn and Melissa Harry Perry. I don't think any of the white people on the panel are getting flamed.