Friday, August 24, 2012

The Prototype: Dating As A Black Girl Nerd

"She'll love books and cook and look just like you" - Andre' 3000

Finding a mate when you're a black girl nerd can be hard.  If you're like me you've got a multi-faceted personality that you turn on for different audiences.

This can make you appealing to lots of different types of guys - but usually results in none of them knowing the real you.

I always tried to figure out at what point it was ok for me to turn to Adult Swim at night and start watching cartoons like I usually do - without dude thinking I'm a weirdo.

Besides the problem of hiding my nerdy tendencies I often try to be all things to everyone.

If you like Hip-Hop I can throw on Nas's illmatic and chill with you.

If you like action movies I'm a girl that's down to see Avengers 3D three times in a row.  Note: If you didn't appreciate Hulk smashing Loki I need you to get your life.

If you like outdoors I can go hiking.  And I can even feign a good interest in sports.

But the problem lies in finding a guy who shares a majority of my likes but isn't a total goober.

And I'm going to stop beating around the bush right about now.  Finding a black guy who has diverse tastes is tough.

I just want to note that while I'm nerdy I wasn't beat with the ugly stick.  I'm a cute ass late bloomer!

But even when you find a cool guy he's usually interested in a girl that has about as much depth as the baby pool.

If you told me you wanted to go spelunking tomorrow I'd pack my bag tonight.

My definition of a ride or die chic is someone who wants to explore the world with you while we broaden our minds through shared life experiences.

Yet a lot of black guys seems to like girls who don't go outside for fear of bugs, don't eat food they can't pronounce, don't know how to swim, have little athletic ability, haven't read a book in ages or have a whole list of don't do's.

They like simple girls not Katie's.  This is a Sex and the City reference or a Streisand reference depending on how old you are.

With the popularity of all the groupie reality shows - the catch phrase has become "Ho's are winning"  Well I think boring bitches have long been the winners of the dating game.

What's a nerdy girl to do?

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